ICOCI Magazine

ICOCI Magazine

ICOCI Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Walk Along Not Alone

'Walk along, not alone' introduces end of life preparation in a friendly and structured way. With this game, the elderly Chinese immigrants learn how to cope with ageing and end of life in the Netherlands context. The game offers practical information about end of life preparation, creates a comfortable atmosphere for talking about the end of life.

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V Vissi is the brand under V Visionary Design Studio. Designer aims to co-created with the experienced-profession, fashion and apparel stakeholders to design and customize sustainable and ethical products. Sustainable fashion is a process of fostering change to fashion industry and what we are doing is a new prospective to the fashion system. Collaboration, Co-create and Re-design, designer revisits our fashion industry from linear economy to circular economy. Designer believes that sustainable initiatives are the key to bring positive impacts in making a better environment to the community and world.

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ReGreen is the ideal solution that can recycle and take the best advantages of wasted food perfectly. ReGreen is durable, easy to clean and recyclable. The distinct structural design is by the principle of circulation and environmentally friendly, which can be easily disassembled and recycled. Advanced technology, making ReGreen turns the wasted food into organic soil and compost in just a few weeks. It perfectly solves the difficulties of obtaining organic compost in the metropolitans.

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PackZero proposes to transform the current resource depleting online retail distribution system, with a circular delivery network that combines inflatable reusable packaging with hybrid pickup and delivery experience. Central hubs at locations that users frequent or find easily accessible will be built, thereby reducing overall 'product miles.' The reusable package is made of durable biodegradable material, which research estimates can be potentially used up to 100 times.

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Carbon Activated Timber

Carbon Activated Timber Bench is designed for public areas and is made from reclaimed wood planks. It challenges the notions of weight and stability. While the volume of the wood planks appears as seemingly massive blocks, they are only loosely connected and in an unstable state. Tiny threads of carbon fibres tie the massive blocks together to give them their stability. They also reinforce the blocks to even add strength to the wood planks.

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Future is Now

Future is Now Living Lab is where people in Taipei city look for the new idea of sustainable lifestyle and circular economy. The Living Lab interior space is created refurbished and/or recycled material for the visitor to enjoy the possibility of circular design, and constructed with No-landfill wasted concept. The event was conducted from 18th July to 31st October 2019 at Hua Shan Art station in Taipei City to host more than 20 events of lecture and workshops about circular economy.

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