ICOCI Magazine

ICOCI Magazine

ICOCI Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Hoshino Jinja

It is an innovative approach that combines old and new technologies, such as the traditional Japanese traditional construction method that does not use any metal fittings, Ishiba-building and limit strength calculation based on modern structural analysis. The design, composed of horizontal and vertical lines, is highly aesthetic and has been described as attractive structural beauty based on the unique Japanese sense of beauty.

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The Ancient Mexicans

Design of a new graphic identity that is flexible and functional, as well as a communication strategy that attracts the public to the exhibition of Ancient Mexicans, exhibition of Mexican pre-Hispanic cultures at the Museum of the Northeast in Mexico, Mune; offer information design within of the exhibition to enhance the experience of the user and finally, promote knowledge of pre-Hispanic cultures in the Northeast of the country through graphic design.

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Black House

The Black House forms part of the modular No Footprint House series. The climate responsive designs of the project are based on passive strategies such as site specific positioning and the use of natural resources for cross ventilation, solar shading and energy production, as well as rainwater harvesting and biological water filtration. Industrial construction techniques create a high level of efficiency that can be delivered to any target location, combined with locally harvested and renewable materials to promote integral sustainability and regenerative development for the built environment.

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K Farm

K Farm challenges urban farming under extreme conditions and turns farming into natural education that people can enjoy. Because of this coastal condition along Victoria Harbour, It has innovated three types of farming to suit this specific climate. One is Hydroponics to provide weatherproof farming for in all conditions, two is aquaponics to study how fish and plants can coexist, and three is organic with various height and species to serve as inclusive farming.

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The Sun House

The Sun House, with its geometrically bevelled exterior, is an Organic Architecture that combines solar power, green technology and symbiosis with the environment. The building's facade is dominated by solar panels, and the bevelled form is used to obtain a large amount of light and achieve better energy generating. The building is designed using environmentally friendly construction methods and all energy is reused through various recycling systems.

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Not Always Fun

The ad campaign aims to raise awareness about Harlequin syndrome. This is a syndrome affecting the autonomic nervous system and is associated with absence of sweating and flushing of skin on one side of the face. The agency developed key visual illustrations which are based on the juxtaposition of the different representations of harlequin aiming to shed light on the disparity between the comical representation of the character and the reality of living with Harlequin syndrome, emphasizing the need for greater understanding and awareness of the condition.

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